The following day his article was gushing with praise and hype over the Texans.
This year (in an effort to avoid looking stupid again) has appointed some schmuck as an "Official AFC South Blogger" who they will be shipping out to each of the division's training camps. His name: Paul Kuharsky. His blog title: Reading the Coverage. Good job avoiding those cliche sports column/blog names. And oh how it relates to the AFC South.

Know thy enemy.
I call him a schmuck because as of late his "blog" hasn't been much of one. Every time I check, it's usually just a link hurl to local newspaper stories. I've caught glimpses of originality but even so, he still has work to do. I can understand that corporate blogging for a division can have its draws. I think Kuharsky is worried about showing favoritism towards a single team in the division, so he keeps his opinions and insight to a minimum. The Result? A lame blog resembling your everyday news articles.
I did, however, read some original stuff from the man this morning about the Texans training camp. It's still just filler-fluff, but promising nonetheless. And another thing he's got going in his favor is that he seems to have assumed his blogging role without the usual "Texans suck" mindset.
So here's your shot Kuharsky. I'm giving you a chance to convince me why I should be "Reading the Coverage." Consider it a probationary trial period, where I can waive you at a moment's notice. These are my terms:
- --If you're going to "blog" then you better do it right. Stop being so PC. I want to know if you think Marcedes Lewis is a joke and not "slow to progress." Don't let the man hold you back, PK.
- --If you're going to link hurl the Texans via the Houston Chronicle, Megan Manfull should be the only reporter you link to. Anything with Richard Justice's name on it should be disregarded completely.
- --It's an AFC South blog, so keep the Peyton-stroking to a minimum. There really are other teams in the division that aren't too bad in fact (he's done a good job of this so far from what I've seen). titans-stroking is strictly prohibited.
- --Change the name man. It's way too cliche. I suggest finding something that each team would find mutually agreeable. Suggestions: Dirty South Blog, Vince Sucks - An AFC South Blog.
- --While Peyton-stroking is discouraged, Vince-bashing is totally acceptable. In fact you would be best-served posting a little Vince-bashing soon...considering where you came from. With that said....
- --I better not see any titans favoritism. None whatsoever. I don't care if you worked at the Tennessean for 12 years. Links like this on your site are an example of said-favoritism. Links like this are acceptable. Lame, but acceptable. And this link just makes no sense. I'm stumped as to why that is on your page.
These are the requirements for your "Official AFC South Blog" and must be met before your blog receives my endorsement. These requirements are non-negotiable. Like I said before, you working at the Tennessean doesn't impress me. I'm sure the application there was nothing more than a spelling test (I mean...Tennessee can be tricky).
Here's your chance. Impress me PK.
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